Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A happier Post

Sophia is so happy to be back to school now. She goes to bed so easy on the nights before school. She gets up before I do. She doesn't fight me to get ready or eat breakfast. She loves it! Today she was telling about how they did an apple tasting challenge. They had to try red apples and yellow apples and say which they liked more. Then Mrs E put it on the board like a graph. :)

Connor's doing pretty well with therapy. His speech therapist is just amazed by him! I just wish he would do the same things in OT that he does in speech ie doing the puzzles, stacking blocks, ect. He'll do it for Elaine the ST but not Elona the OT. LOL Oh well. At least he's doing it.

I can't believe their birthdays are almost here! Sophia's going to be 5 in 6 days! 6 DAYS!!!!! I can't believe that 5 yrs ago, I was in the hospital praying that I could hold her in a little longer. Oh and I realized today that she was born on a Tues and her birthday falls on a Tues again this year!! :) weird. So be warned dear blog readers. Tuesday will be filled with Sophia pictures. Birth to present. :) Same goes for Connor's birthday!

well i guess i better go cook dinner or something. I'm hungry. The kids keep sneaking marshmellows out of the pantry. Think I'm gonna have to put a lock on it! LOL


Valerie said...

Are we still on for Tuesday 90210 night? If so, I'll pick up a lil something for Sophia. I wouldnt want the birthday girl to feel gyped!

The Kinker Family said...

Yeah we are still on! I was even planning on making cupcakes for all of us. :)

Wanna order pizza or something?

Valerie said...

Sounds good to me!