Thursday, February 12, 2009


So yesterday, Wayne and I bought a Wii!! It's our bday gifts to each other. Ok so my bday isn't until March and his isn't until June. We just figured since we had the money to get it now, we would get it. OMG are we having fun with it! LOL We got it hooked up around 4pm yesterday afternoon and played it til around 10:30!! We only stopped long enough to eat dinner. We've been having a blast playing the Wii sports that came with it. We also rented Mario and Sonic Summer Olympics. That's been pretty fun as well. I told him when I get paid, I am going to get the Wii Fit. One of the girls at the chiro's office has it and she said she lost 10 lbs in the first 2-3 weeks she had it! :) My favorite part of the Wii is that it makes you actually get up off your butt to play. Tennis got ya moving, boxing was good for cardio. LOL

I'm sure this is how we'll be spending our days off for a little while LOL


Valerie said...

I love Wii Fit! Get a cover for your board though.

The Kinker Family said...

Yeah I plan on it.

I can't wait to get it!