Thursday, February 12, 2009


So yesterday, Wayne and I bought a Wii!! It's our bday gifts to each other. Ok so my bday isn't until March and his isn't until June. We just figured since we had the money to get it now, we would get it. OMG are we having fun with it! LOL We got it hooked up around 4pm yesterday afternoon and played it til around 10:30!! We only stopped long enough to eat dinner. We've been having a blast playing the Wii sports that came with it. We also rented Mario and Sonic Summer Olympics. That's been pretty fun as well. I told him when I get paid, I am going to get the Wii Fit. One of the girls at the chiro's office has it and she said she lost 10 lbs in the first 2-3 weeks she had it! :) My favorite part of the Wii is that it makes you actually get up off your butt to play. Tennis got ya moving, boxing was good for cardio. LOL

I'm sure this is how we'll be spending our days off for a little while LOL

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Neti Neti

So day one of the neti pot didn't go so well. I was just too stuffed up for it to do anything.

However! This morning it worked like a charm! It was fabulous. I won't go into the gross details about it, but I can now breathe in AND out of my nose. Still a little congested but not like before. It's lovely. :) Maybe I'll actually be able to smell again and my food won't taste so gross. LOL

Wayne is trying it now(yes I cleaned it). I'm curious to see how he feels about it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crazy days

So it's been pretty crazy around here. Tomorrow is my first day off from work in almost 2 weeks! I'm not complaining much though. It's been worth it. I'm really hoping for a decent bonus this year so I can get the lap top I want. :)

Of course, there is one downfall to working this week. All the sick people who have come into our office! ACK. Of course I ended up with a horrible cold. It's starting to get better. Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow..finally!

So to combat my cold and as an experiment of sorts, I went out and bought a neti pot. It's a little pot that you put saline water in and let the water run from one nostril and out the other. It's gravityfed and so far it's been, um, interesting. I don't think I was doing it right at first because the water kept running to the back of my throat and then I would gag. Then I came online, found a video of how I'm supposed to hold my head and it worked much better. I'm sure as I do it more and I'm not as clogged up, it will work better. Wayne is going to use it too in hopes that it helps with the multiple sinus infections he gets. I'm just hoping it helps with my allergies and the occasional cold I get. :)

Kids are doing good. Sophia had school pictures on Friday. She was so excited because the kids who are going to kindergarten next year got to wear a cap and gown for their pics. She came home all excited because hers was PINK! Her favorite color. I can't wait to see how they came out. She's been such a good girl. We have a new routine at night now. Every night at 6pm, we curl up on the couch together and watch How It's Made for an hour. Then we watch Food Network or Discovery channel until it's time for the kids to go to bed. Connor comes and goes during that time. Most of the time he is in their bedroom watching cartoons or playing with his batman stuff.

Connor had his last session of OT on Thurs. It was a bit sad because we had to say good bye to Elona for the 2nd time. She was Sophia's OT as well. We did promise to keep in touch so we have exchanged emails. I made sure to get a picture of her and the kids together. I'm going to send her a copy. We will miss her. She has been a part of our lives in some way for 5 yrs. It started when she started OT with Sophia in the NICU. :)

Well better go make dinner for the munchkins. Unless they aren't hungry yet. :)