Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy bday?

So Yesterday was my birthday. It started out good. The middle, not so great. The end..great.

I had to work yesterday which was okay. I was only there 3.5 hrs. When I got there, I had gifts on my desk :) Marcy bought me a small bunch of flowers. Katie gave me a gift bag with goodies in it. It had a little slinky, a reed diffuser, jelly belly jelly beans, cute socks(that match ones i got sophia) and a picture frame. :) So cute.

Then this is when my day turned sour. We went to my parents so Wayne could go with dad to get the RV filled. When dad backed it up, he got it stuck in the mud. SO Dad and Wayne spent almost 3 hrs, yes 3 HOURS, trying to dig it out!!! Finally, they called a tow truck! I was pissed! We were supposed to go to the mall yesterday so Wayne could get new glasses. THAT didn't happen because he was digging out the RV. We were all supposed to go out to dinner for my bday. Mom and Dad didn't go.

We were supposed to meet my sister Kim at Red Robin at 5:30-5:45. We didn't leave Mom's til 5:45 because Wayne had to clean up and change clothes. Luckily I had ran home and got him clean clothes. Finally got to the restaurant, ordered our dinners, drank my pina colada and enjoyed ourselves. The only bad part is the waiter forgot to take my burger off the ticket because I had a coupon for a free one for my bday. Then my sister had asked them to sing for my birthday. They didn't! I was both sad and happy about that. Kim got me a body wash set for my bday.

Wayne had said he would get me the Wii Fit for my birthday. We went to one Target, didn't have it. Went to Best Buy, didn't have it. Went to Game Stop by our house, nope. Target by us, nope. I did however get a yummy Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks while there though. :) FINALLY, we went to Game Crazy. Found it there!!! WOOHOO. Since the kids had fallen asleep in the car, we put them to bed when we got home and then I set up the wii fit. It's awesome! I had so much fun figuring out the different exercises and stuff. My favorite so far? Hula Hoop!! :)

So except for the part in the middle, I guess it wasn't a bad day. Just would have liked to have done something besides watch my husband dig out a friggen RV on my bday. lol

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