Thursday, April 29, 2010

Going green

What happens when you take a 6.5 yr old girl and her parents to the Smart House at the Science museum? 

A renewed effort to be better at helping the environment. Stop laughing. We are really going to try this.

What are we going to do you might ask. Well let me tell you.

First of all, Wayne has made a compost bin of sorts. He had already started it but now he's actually going to do it the right way.  So now we have a definite bin and we learned what we can and can't put in it. 

Next, he is going to make a rain barrel.  He will set it up under one of the downspouts from the gutters. We will then use that water for the garden, grass, whatever. Just not for drinking or cooking. That would be gross.

We started this part a couple years ago, but we have been planting a garden. We have already started seeds for carrots and radishes. We will also be planting tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and not sure what else.  Oh we also have strawberry plants that we planted last year. They are already growing and have about 2-3 dozen flowers on them. I can't wait!

As we do more, I will be sure to post about it.  I will also post on the progress of the garden this year. 

Since we are talking about food. I figure I could add what we had for dinner tonight. We are also trying to eat better as best we can. LOL  It's not going too well but tonight we did well.  I made turkey burgers on the grill and we had corn on the cob.  For "dessert" we had grapes. The kids loved it! 

Off to do laundry and then hopefully head to bed.


Sharon from FW said...

Good for you for going green!

We've got flowers on our strawberries too. Kids are super excited about that :)

Dessert grapes LOL My kids love when I make fruit salad for dessert. Whatever random fruits and a little dab of yogurt on top to look pretty. A winner every time!

The Kinker Family said...

I'll have to remember the fruit salad with yogurt. I bought some yummy lemon frozen yogurt so maybe I can give them some of that with some fruit.