Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let the Fun Begin!

So I went and bought the paint for the bathroom today. I can't wait to get started. I need to wash the walls and stuff first. Empty the vanity, put stuff away, basically get the room ready. The color I got is called "bleached Blonde" Of course Wayne had to crack a joke. "Everyone should have a bleached blonde in their bathroom" dork. I will definitely take some before and after pics.

Today has been kinda boring. Went to work. Wayne and the kids picked me up and we went to Walmart. Connor got a fun new toy. It's a zebra that he sits on and it goes up and down and spins. Of course he has to make it move on his own and he's still not too sure about it. LOL Sophia got a new dvd. I got a memory card reader. Yippie! LOL

See, I told you some days would be boring. This was one of them.

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