Thursday, March 20, 2008

Almost that time!

Sophia is officially on Spring Break!! Woohoo!!! Today they had an Easter Party at school. Of course they can get away with that because the preschool is in a church. lol. Public school can't do easter parties LOL

Wayne starts his vacation at 11:31pm tonight! LOL It will be nice to have him home for 9 days but I know I will quickly get irritated with something. Especially at night ie bedtime for the kids. He's not usually home at night with us so it will be different.

I work tomorrow and then I'm off Sat and Sun, work Mon then I'm off the rest of the week! YAY ME! Love my boss and that he will let me take the time off. Of course it's without pay but that's okay.

I also went for more blood tests yesterday. My iron levels are quite low so they want to do more tests. I guess if it's going to make me feel better, I'll do it. Tomorrow is my kidney ultrasound. Say a prayer that they don't find anything horribly wrong with me.

So there you have it. Really exciting stuff huh?

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