Friday, March 14, 2008

Mentally kicking my own butt!

So I've been slacking off here lately. I know. I just haven't really been in the mood to post.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I got more than I expected. Turns out the lower back pain I've been having is a UTI. A pretty bad one too. As Alicia the nurse practitioner said a huge fire. Let me explain. I've been having this back ache off and on since Connor was born. Well it's gotten worse and hasn't really gone away since just before Christmas. So she was lecturing me about how I should have gone in earlier. She said, "it's easier to put out a little fire than a big fire and well, you have a HUGE fire!" So yes, mentally kicking myself.

So now I am on antibiotics, have to have a kidney ultrasound and see a urologist. Blah. I know it's all my fault. I should have gone in sooner instead of putting it off.

So I've been on the meds for 2 days. The first day they made me really nauseous for about an hour after taking them, but it's better today.

In better news, we went on a field trip with Sophia's class! It was a puppet show and it was really cool! The told about dinosaurs and showed the kids the different types of puppets they used and how they could make some of them at home. Sophia had a blast and Connor was soo good and sat through all of it and only fussed a little bit. I think that was only because he was getting tired. It was close to nap time. In fact, he fell asleep on the way to McDonalds afterwards and when Wayne carried him in he didn't wake up and he just slept on the bench next to Wayne. Poor little one.

The weather has been great here. We've been able to play outside the past 2 days. We came home today and played outside until Wayne had to go to work and then the kids and I all took naps. :) It was nice but I'm still tired. Good thing I'm off all weekend.

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