Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh the Drama!

So I was a naughty girl and got kicked off one of my yahoo groups. LOL It's not my fault the group owner is an uptight twit who takes things far to seriously and needs to pull the stick out of her butt. argh. and that's being nice.

I know there are a couple of you from that group who read this blog and if you have issues with me talking about it here or disagree with my views, too bad. It's my blog not yours.

When a group of adult women are getting "yelled" at for cursing in a discussion or being told that we can't express our feelings, then something is wrong. I just hope The Warden doesn't cause the whole group to crumble because of her rules.

With that being said, I guess Connor was a big hit with his cousins this weekend. Josh has put the picture of him and Connor up as his profile pic on myspace. :) That's love. I just hope we can spend more time with them now. Unfortunately, we live 2 hrs or so away. :(


Valerie said...

Gotta love web nazis...rofl. Please tell me I dont know who that person is.

The Kinker Family said...

nope, you don't know her. believe me, you don't want to either. lol