Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Operation Kick the Bottle!

Connor's bottle that is!

Today is Day 2 of him going to bed without it! Hopefully it's gone for GOOD! He's been taking naps without it so I decided to do bedtime too! Last night he cried on and off for about 40 minutes. Then he slept straight through til 6:30 this morning. Tonight he cried for 30 minutes! *fingers crossed* that he sleeps through and that tomorrow night he cries even less!

Sophia spent the night and all of today at my mom's. She was going to spend the night tonight too, but she was crying that she wanted to come home. She said she missed me and wanted to come home. My mom had barely put the car in park and she was trying to get out of the carseat! As soon as I opened the door she hugged me!! :) Love that girl.

She's sleeping on the couch tonight because she doesn't like to hear Connor crying in the middle of the night. I don't care if she sleeps there every night while we're trying to kick the bottle! She's comfy there.

So now I just need to hide all the bottles so he doesn't see them and want it! I'm also hoping this means we won't go through milk so fast! 1 gallon in less than 2 days with only 2 people drinking it is just too fast at these prices!

Alright. Time for bed. I'm tired.

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