Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Hook these 2 little kids up"

That is the phrase I heard over and over again from my nephew last night. It pays to have a kid who's popular in school. :)

Last night we went to Billy's high school for their safe trick or treat! It was nice. The kids either paid $2 or brought 6 canned goods(which we did) and they got to walk along 2 hallways of classrooms and trick or treat. Sophia wore her Dorothy costume and Connor wore his foorball player costume. Of course last night, he was "George". You see, on his costume is #7. One of the starters on the high school team, George, is #7. So as we're walking along with Billy he would say, "Hook these 2 little kids up. They are my cousins. He's dressed as George". And the girls would put handfuls of candy in their bags!! It was pretty funny until we got to where the real George was sitting!! He thought it was funny and I wish we had brought the camera so we could have taken their picture together. Of course, he gave them a handful of candy as well! LOL

After trick or treating in the hallways, they had a little haunted house that was 50 cents. So the 5 of us(billy, sophia, connor, wayne and i) went. Mom and Michelle stayed and guarded the candy and our coats. It was okay for a 50cent haunted house. LOL Sophia said she wasn't afraid of the monsters, but the dark. Silly girl. Connor didn't seemed phased either.

Oh and I can't end this without mentioning Billy's costume. Yes, he wore one. He had on a red ribbon bow on his head and 2 pieces of cardboard wrapped in Christmas paper. Each one hung on the front and back of him. There was a tag on each side that read, "God's Gift to Women"! Funny kid. :)


Valerie said...

OMG that costume sounds hysterical. I could see some grown adults sporting that one next year.

The kiddos look cute as ever!

The Kinker Family said...


It was good to see you yesterday, even if just for a few minutes. :)