Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whole lotta nothing.

So the kids party went really well! They got a lot of nice gifts. I've actually managed to keep them from opening ALL of them at once. just most of them lol. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The mommy was exhausted, but that's okay.

Today the kids had their annual check ups. We saw a new doctor today. Same practice, different doctor. Loved him! He was soo nice and was awesome with the kids. My only concern is that he's older than I expected so I hope he doesn't retire anytime soon. I hate finding a doctor I like and then they move or retire. The thing I liked best is that he is okay with me delaying Sophia's MMR and chicken pox vax until next year. Both kids did get flu shots today. The nurse who did them was AWESOME! She was so fast and neither kid even made a peep. Sophia only got mad because she told her to turn her and well, Sophia likes to watch! So she was mad that she couldnt watch. Weird kid. but she got to watch Connor get his so that made it okay i guess.

So as the title says, whole lotta nothing going on. The rest of the week I have nothing planned but chiro appts. Friday night is the big football game for the boys. Send positive game winning vibes to them. This is a really HUGE game and I really hope they win. Saturday we are going to a cookout and Sunday I'm not sure yet. All depends on if Kim goes to the game on Friday.

oh...one other piece of news. My mom and dad had a friend of theirs ask if they knew anyone who needed a twin bed. Mom called and asked if we wanted it. I said yes!!! So now Connor will have a twin bed and Sophia will have a full bed. The twin has a mattress they are including. We will get Sophia's mattress and boxspring when we get our tax refund. No more baby beds!!!! wow.

1 comment:

Munkeesmama said...

Yay for good birthdays and doctor's visits. Glad you found somebody you like! We're still on the quest for a good one. Uggh. How exciting about the twin bed. I LOVE free stuff!