Monday, September 22, 2008

Update to the last post....

Wayne spoke to the friend who called us and made the comment to him. She apologized and said it just didn't come out how she planned it. He is still upset about it, but we both understand why it was said. He said that even though he understands why it was said, it doesn't excuse her for saying it. This is going to be a very difficult time for our friends and they are going to need support from everyone.

Of course, I am still upset over the fact that I am being singled out just because my preemie survived. I'm sorry that her baby didn't make it to viability, but I'm not going to allow people to make me feel bad because mine did. If anything, Wayne and i should be living proof that just because you went through what we did doesn't mean you can't have a healthy baby. Maybe next time, if there is a next time and I hope there is, her doctor will be more proactive and aggressive with monitoring her and giving her a way to make it at least to viability if not beyond. I have a lot of thoughts on the situation but I won't discuss them as I have a feeling this has been read by people I hadnt intended to read it. (yet another reason i wish people who read my blog would comment so I know who is in fact reading)

I promise the next post will be more positive and about MY children.

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